The Pakistan Academy of Engineering holds in stack a large number of reports/studies published by the Academies of Engineering, Research and Development Institutions of international Standing
S.NO. | Title |
1 | Renewable Hydrogen deployment in Pakistan |
2 | Planning for Efficient Dispatch |
3 | National Energy Efficiency and Conversion Authority (Strategic Plan 2020-2023) |
4 | NEECA Policy 2022 (Draft) |
5 | Alternative and Renewable Energy Policy 2019 |
6 | Pakistan Statistical Yearbook 2019 |
7 | (STPF) - 2020 025 |
8 | Annual report 2016 -(Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority) |
9 | Annual Report 2019 -20 - (OIL GAS REGULATORY AUTHORITY) |
10 | Annual Energy Outlook - 2021 |
11 | Annual Energy Outlook - 2010 |
12 | Global Energy Review - 2021 |
14 | The National Academies Press: Fiscal Year 2021 |
15 | The National Academies Press Advanced Battle Management System - 2022 |
16 | World Energy Outlook - 2021 |
17 | IGCEP (2021 - 30) |
18 | IGCEP (2018 - 40) |
20 | Variable Renewable Energy integration and Planning Study - Part 1 |
21 | Variable Renewable Energy integration and Planning Study - Part 2 |
22 | Variable Renewable Energy Locational Study |
24 | Solar Futures STUDY |
25 | The National Academies Press: Powering the U.S Army of the Futures (2021) |
27 | Equitable Resilient Infrastructure Investments (2022) |
28 | Federak Budget (2024-25) GoP Finance Division |
29 | One United Nations Programme III (2018-2022) United Nations Sustainable Development Framework for Pakistan |
30 | Sustainable Development Goals for Sindh UNDP |
31 | Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) PAKISTANS PERSPECTIVE Data Reporting Gaps |
32 | Pakistan SDGs Status Report 2021 |
33 | Horizons Safety Security acatech |
34 | NCHRP Web-Only Document 399 National Academies |
35 | Manufacture of UREA Department of Chemical Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela 2007 |
36 | Precision Agriculture in the 21st Century: Geospatial and Information Technologies in Crop Management (1997) National Academies |
37 | Pakistans Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development GoP Sustainable Development Goals 2019 |
38 | Navigating the Future: A Report of the Current state and Future path of Energy Transition in the Transport Sector CAETS |
39 | Strategies to Enable Assured Access to Semiconductors for the Department of Defense National Academies |
40 | Pakistan Floods 2022 Post-Disaster Needs Assesments Ministry of Planning Development Special Initiatives |
41 | National Magnetic Field Science and Its Application in the United States and Future Directions (2013) |
42 | Indication Generation Capacity Expansion Plan (IGCEP) 2021-30 |
43 | THE POLICY for Water Storage DAMS-HUB River, 2024 Issued by Lasbela university of Agriculture, Water Marine Sciences with Pakistan University (Under Dev.) 2024 |
44 | Accelerating Decorbonization in the US Technology, Policy Special Documents National Academies |
45 | Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2020 Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division) Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan |
46 | Proceedings of The Pakistan Academy of Sciences: A. Physical and Computational Sciences Pakistan Academy of Sciences Islamabad, Pakistan |
47 | Year Book 2022-23 Ministry of Sciences Technology, GoP |
48 | Chemical Terrorism Assessment of U.S. Strategies in the Era of Great Power Competition (Consensus Study Report) National Academies |
49 | Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work (Consensus Study Report) National Academies |
50 | Engineering UK 2017 (The State of Engineering) |
51 | A Guidebook on Preparing technology transfer project for financing |
52 | National Quality Policy and Plan |
53 | Technology and Innovation Report 2012 |
54 | Engineering UK 2018 (The State of Engineering) |
55 | Grand Challenges for Engineering |
56 | European Engineering Report |
57 | 2018 Science Engineering Indicators |
58 | Reminiscences of Nehru Age (M.O Mathai) |
59 | Adaptability of the US Engineering Technical Workforce |
60 | Frontiers of Engineering |
61 | Demonstration (RWTH AACHEN University) |
62 | Renewable Readiness Assessment Pakistan |
63 | SIPRI yearbook 2019 (Armaments, Disarmament International Security) |
64 | RWTH-Aachen, 30,06,2011 |
65 | Virtual Air Traffic System Simulation VATSS |
66 | Guidelines for the Establishment of a new university or an institution of higher education |
67 | PCST (Expression of interest pre-qualification document) |
68 | HEC Vision 2025 |
69 | 2014 Business RD and Innovation Survey |
70 | High level Engineering Manpower in Pakistan |
71 | Strategic Planning for the Hydrogen Economy |
72 | Batteries for Plug-in Hybrid Electric vehicles (PHEVs) |
73 | EinPorfolio von antriebs-systemen fur Europa |
74 | WasserstoffalsstationarerEnergiespeicher und industriegas |
75 | Daimler |
76 | Clean Energy Partnership |
77 | The Department of Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Plan |
78 | Power to Gas |
79 | AEL- technologies Fur Zentrale und Dezentrale H2- Production |
80 | Congress Own Think Tank (by Peter D. Blair) |
81 | Year Book 2017- 18 (Ministry of Science and Technology) |
82 | Annual Plan 2019-20 (Govt. of Pakistan Planning Commission) |
83 | Emerging Champions in the Digital Economy (By Xiaoming Zhu) |
84 | Future of Islam |
85 | SIRI Report (2019) |
86 | The Fall of Moghul Empire |
87 | VDI-VDE Brennstoffzellen-und Batteriefahrzeuge |
88 | A Quadrennial Review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative |
89 | Report to the President on ensuring American leadership in advanced manufacturing |
90 | Report to the president on accelerating the pace of change in energy technologies through an integrated federal energy policy |
91 | National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2012 |
92 | Sustainability (3dpbm) |
93 | New Horizon for a Data-Driven Economy |
94 | Weapons System Sustainment Planning Early in the Development Life Cycle |
95 | A New Prescription (Preparing for a Healthcare Transformation) |
96 | Contours of a New Industrial Policy (2018) |
98 | 3dpbm (Areospace Am) |
99 | VDI(AufdemWegzurWasserst offgesellschaft) |
100 | Federal Budget 2020-2021 |
101 | CAETS Energy Committee Report 2020 |
102 | Energy Outlook 2020 Edition |
103 | Advance in Small Modular Reactor Technology Developments |
104 | What a Waste 2.0 |
105 | The Global Competitiveness Report |
106 | VDI (Regenerative Energien) |
107 | Performance Based Budget (2020-2021 to 2022- 23) |
108 | Engineering for Sustainable Development |
109 | Archiving Big Data Beyond 2040: DNA as a Candidate |
110 | Quieter Cities of the future |
111 | DoD Engagement with its Manufacturing Innovation Institutes: Phase 2 Study interim Report |
112 | National Academy of Technologies of France |
113 | Climate Risk Country Profile |
114 | Final Reports of National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence |
115 | National Academies: New Directions for Chemical Engineering (2022) |
116 | National Academies: Why Indoor Chemistry Matters (2022) |
117 | Tracking SDG7: The Energy Progress Report 2022 |
118 | SIPRI Year Book 202 |
119 | Renewable Power Generation Cost 2021 |
120 | Technology Roadmap (Concentrating Solar Power) |
121 | Key Lessons from Successful Hydrocrackers Projects |
122 | An Introduction to Petroleum Industry |
123 | INGENIEUR-EINKOMMEN 2002-2021 |
125 | Pakistan Economic Survey 2019 20 |
126 | Pakistan Economic Survey 2021 - 22 |
127 | National Academies: Measurement and Analysis of Public Opinion: An Analytic Framework (2022) |
128 | National Academies: Dynamic Skills Management: Identifying Skills Requirements Early, Devising Tailored Solutions |
129 | Greenhouse Gas Emission Information for Decision Making: A Framework Going Forward (2022) |
130 | National Academies: Why Indoor Chemistry Matters |
131 | Pakistan Economic Survey 2021-22 |
132 | Pakistan Labour Force Survey 2020-21 |
133 | National Energy Conversation Policy |
134 | National Energy Efficiency Conversation Policy 2022 (Draft) |
135 | Energy Education for Pakistan Final Report |
136 | Overview of Pakistans Power Sector and its Future Outlook Sep 2022 |
137 | State of Global Climate 2021 WMO Provisional Report |
138 | Pakistan Electricity Outlook 2022 |
139 | Renewable Energy Report Pakistan (2021-22) / FES in Five (July 2022) |
140 | Year Book 2020-21 (GoP MoST) |
141 | Year Book 2020-21 (GoP MoCC) |
142 | Year Book 2019-20 (GoP MoCC) |
143 | PSLM Survey District Level |
144 | Why this is Indias Decade |
145 | Pakistan Market Structure |
146 | Accelerating Decarbonisation of the U.S Energy System |
147 | Rethinking Power Sector Reform in the Developing World |
148 | Linde Technology |
149 | Draft Telecom Infrastructure Sharing Framework |
150 | A.I Strategy for Pakistan |
151 | Smart City Lab (National Center of A.I) |
152 | Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: The Hope, the Hype, the Promise, the Peril (2019) |
153 | Artificial Intelligence Tools and Open Data Practices for EPA Chemical Hazard Assessments: Proceeding of a Workshop in Brief (2022) |
154 | Survey of the use of AI in the working Environment (March 22,2022) |
155 | VDI-Mitgliederumfrage im Februar 2022 zur Nutzung von KI im Arbeitsumfeld von Ingenieur*innen |
156 | Recent Scientific Advance in the understanding of Induced Seismicity from Hydraulic Fracturing of Shales |
157 | Fundamentals of Wind Energy |
158 | Fundamentals of Electric Vehicles (EVs) |
159 | Fundamentals of Energy Security Resilience |
160 | Letter to Swati |
161 | Renewables Readiness Assessment Pakistan |
162 | Letter to Review of Pakistan GHG Inventory |
163 | Electric Vehicle Charging: Strategies and Programs (2023) |
164 | Alternative Energy Technologies: An Introduction with Computer Simulations |
165 | Lifecycle BIM for Infrastructure: A Business for Project Delivery and Asset Management |
166 | Military Inc. |
167 | Global Go to Think Tank Index Report 2019 |
168 | Science Technology, And Innovation Policy Congresss Own Think Tank |
169 | Rethinking Think Tanks in Contemporary |
170 | Highlights Of On-Going Studies |
171 | State of Global Water Resources 2022 Report |
172 | Urban underground infrastructure mapping and assessment |
173 | Management of Indoor Air and Airbone Pathogens: Proceedings of a Workshop Series in Brief (2023) |
174 | Solar characters for heating water shower |
175 | Global Hydrogen Review 2023 |
176 | Rules for construction of power Boilers (location Box file Boilers and steam turbines) |
177 | Pakistan Economic Survey 2022-23 |
178 | Recommendations for implementing the strategic initiative industries 4.0 |
179 | Pakistans implementation of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development |
180 | Plastics in the Environment |
181 | The environment and Climate Change Outlook of Pakistan |
182 | Climate Change profile of Pakistan |
183 | Climate Change Profile of Pakistan |
184 | The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate |
185 | Coals Poisonous Legacy |
186 | Carbon Capture Storage |
187 | Carbon Finance (CDM) |
188 | Introduction of CCS |
189 | Key Project developments |
190 | Carbon Market (2011) |
191 | Guide Book of CDM Knowledge Management tools |
192 | Coal Liquefaction |
193 | State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2019 |
194 | Carbon Dioxide capture and storage |
195 | Carbon Capture (Howard J. Herzog) |
196 | Appendices |
197 | Technology |
198 | Policy, Legal and Stake Holder Issues |
199 | Coal Liquefaction can provide Energy Security |
200 | Creating Value Through Investment (Engro-Powergen) |
201 | Synthetic Hydrocarbons as Long-term fuel option |
202 | BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019 (68 edition) |
203 | Alternative Worlds |
204 | Exergy |
205 | New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization 2008-2009 |
206 | Renewable Growth (Global Status Report |
207 | World Energy Investment Outlook |
208 | Solar Energy (Guide And Date Book for Pakistan) |
209 | We protect alternative energy ideas, From seed to fruition |
210 | North American renewable energy companies 2013 |
211 | Prospects of Nanotechnology in the Development Countries |
212 | Application of nanotechnology to the Bio-Field |
213 | Nanotechnology and its Various Application |
214 | Synthesis and Characterization of nanomaterials by using Synchrotron Radiations based techniques |
215 | Nanotechnology and why for developing Countries |
216 | A Quadrennial Review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative |
217 | Global Food Security Index 2018 |
218 | Challenges perspectives for the sustainability of Eucalyptus productivity in Brazil |
219 | Fao Fisheries and Aquaculture in Action (Part 2) |
220 | Understanding food Insecurity |
221 | ADB Support for Agriculture Natural resources, and Rural Development |
222 | Global report on Food Crisis 2019 |
223 | The State of Food and Agriculture |
224 | A sustainable Bio economy |
225 | Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition |
226 | Towards a waste free future |
227 | Advances in Small Modular Reactor Technology Developments |
228 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission/ Briefing on Small Modular Reactors |
229 | Technology Assessment (Municipal Freshwater Scarcity) |
230 | Nature Based Solution for water (WWDR 2018) |
231 | Potable Refuse Compendium 2017 |
232 | PCRWR Annual Report 2019-20 |
233 | PCRWR Annual report 2015-16 |
234 | Developing World Water |
235 | The United Nations World Water Development Report 2018 |
236 | Safe use of Wastewater in Agriculture |
237 | Global Water Security (World Water Council Part 1) |
238 | Global Water Security (World Water Council Part 2) |
239 | Wastewater the Untapped Resource (WWDR 2017) |
240 | Water Distribution System Monitoring (Second Edition) |
241 | Design-Operation Interaction at Large Wastewater Treatment plants |
242 | Freshwater Future |
243 | Progress in the development of osmotic power |
244 | Seawater reverse osmosis |
245 | Let there be UV light (water Wastewater International WWI) |
246 | Determination of Qualitative Standard of Groundwater in Karachi (Aug 1993- February 1994) |
247 | Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality vol. 1 |
248 | Pak Water |
249 | Water for People Water for Life (World Water Assessment Programme) |
250 | Meeting the MDG Drinking Water and Sanitation target |
251 | Testing Water Ethics |
252 | EU-INCO water research from FP4 to FP6 (1994-2006) |
253 | World water resources |
254 | Patent landscape report on desalination technologies and the use of alternative energies for desalination |
255 | Water for a sustainable world |
256 | Quantifying renewable Groundwater Stress with Grace |
257 | Government of Pakistan in Ministry of water Resources |
258 | Pakistan Getting more from water (world bank Group report 2019) |
259 | Indus Basin of Pakistan |
260 | Global Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Market Research Report |
261 | Electric Vehicle Developments |
262 | Towards Hydrogen Energy Economy in India |
263 | Government-Industry RD Partnerships Japanese Experiences Introduction of NEDO |
264 | Wasserelektrolyse als schlusseltechnologie fur die production von wasserstoff als kraftsoff, energiespeicher und industriegas |
265 | Elektrolysetechnologie ans sicht eines grobunternehmens |
266 | Towards a Hydrogen Economy |
267 | NOW-Studie= Stand und entwicklungspotenzial der wasserelektrolyse zur herstellung won wasserstoff aus regenerativen energien |
268 | Hydrogenics (Manufacturing and Perspective of Electrolysis) |
269 | Light, Water, Hydrogen |
270 | Nuclear Energy |
271 | Frontiers of Engineering |
272 | Frontiers of materials research (A Decadal survey) |
273 | High-Entropy materials, ultra-strong molecules, and Nano electronics |
274 | Globalization of Defense Materials and Manufacturing |
275 | Shaping the Future 2047 |
276 | Annual Report 2019-20 |
277 | APO Productivity DATA Book 2020 |
278 | Handbook for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System |
279 | Material 3D Printing Technology |
280 | Novel Processes for Advanced Manufacturing Summary of a Workshop (2013) National Academies |
281 | Globalization of Defence Materials and Manufacturing: Proceedings of a Workshop (2018) National Academies |
282 | Domesting Manufacturing Capabilities for Critical DoD Applications: Emerging Needs in Quantum-Enabled Systems: Proceedings of a Workshop (2019) National Academies |
283 | Materials and Manufacturing Capabilities for Sustaining Defence Systems: Summary of a workshop 2013 |
284 | Selective Laser Sintering Additive Manufacturing Technology part 1 |
285 | Selective Laser Sintering Additive Manufacturing Technology part 2 |
286 | Selective Laser Sintering Additive Manufacturing Technology part 3 |
287 | Selective Laser Sintering Additive Manufacturing Technology part 4 |
288 | Additive Manufacturing New metal technologies AMPower Insights (VOL 6) |
289 | Additive Manufacturing New polymer technologies AMPower Insights (VOL II) |
290 | Materials for Additive Manufacturing - ELSEVIER |
292 | Exploring Linkage Between Soil Health and Human Health |
293 | Biotechnology Innovations for people and the environment - VDI |
294 | Bioeconomy in Germany Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture |
295 | The feasibility of municipal solid waste for energy generation - Renewable Sustainable Energy Reviews |
296 | Bioeconomy the engineering prospective |
297 | Pakistan Export Strategy Fruits Vegetables 2023-2027 |
298 | NIFA Annual Report 2023 |
299 | Opportunities Challenges in Pakistans Vertical Farming Landscape (Policy brief June 2024) The pakistan Business Council |
300 | Inspection Report: National Precision Agriculture Blueprint Study: Needs Assessment and Adoptability Pathways |
301 | Communication to Bridge the Gap Between Food Production and Nutrition and Health National Academies |
302 | Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies and Practices in Pakistan Pakistan Agriculture Research Council Islamabad |
303 | Solving the Great Food Puzzle: Right Innovation, Right Impact, Right Place WWF |
304 | Top Value-Added Chemicals from Biomass: Volume I Results of Screening for Potential Candidates from Sugars Synthesis Gas - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
305 | Top Value-Added Chemicals from Biomass: Volume II Results of Screening for Potential Candidates from Biorefinery Lignin Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
306 | The State of Pakistans Agriculture 2023 The Pakistan Business Council |
307 | Biogas in India (Anil Dhussa) Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Govt. of India, New Delhi |
308 | Integrating Environmental Considerations into Economic Policy Making Processes Planning Commission, GoP, UNESCAP, UNDP |
309 | Supercritical Fluid Technology in Materials Science Engineering (Syntheses, Properties Applications) Edited by YA-PING SUN |
310 | Year Book 2022-23 - Ministry of Energy |
311 | Quality Guidelines for Energy Systems Studies - NETL |
312 | The Dynamics of Energy in Pakistan - Vol1 |
313 | The Dynamics of Energy in Pakistan - Vol2 |
314 | Pakistan Green hydrogen Energy |
315 | Renewable Energy Policy in Pakistan and its development, impact lessons learnt over 15 years - Nasim A. Khan - World Wind Energy Conference 2023 |
316 | U. S National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap |
317 | Green Hydrogen Cost Reduction - IRENA |
318 | Coal Clasification in China - A Study Report |
319 | Envoirment and Social Management Framework |
320 | Enabling Floating Solar Photovoltaic (FPV) Deployment |
321 | Global Wind Report - GWE Council |
322 | Unlocking the Bio-Ethanol Economy |
323 | Annual Report 2022 - Oil Gas Development Company Ltd. |
324 | Big Data in Engineering Applications |
325 | Safety Standard for Hydrogen and Hydrogen Systems |
326 | Appraisal of Domestic Hydrogen Appliances - Frazer Nash Consultancy |
327 | Global Hydrogen Review 2022 |
328 | Hydrogen Strategy for Pakistan 2022 |
329 | Blending Hydrogen into natural Gas Pipeline Networks: A Review of Key Issues |
330 | Medium Term Development Framework 2005-10 - Planning Commsiion GOP May 2005 |
331 | Large-Scale Hydropower in Pakistan - IUCN |
332 | Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021-22 - Ministry of Petroleum Natural Resources |
333 | Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2013 |
334 | Science Technology Bulletin - Islamic Development Bank |
335 | Solar Today (JAN/FEB 2000) |
336 | Solar Today (MAR/APR 2001) |
337 | Solar Today (MAY/JUNE 2001) |
338 | Solar Today (JUL/AUG 2001) |
339 | Solar Today (MAY/JUNE 2005) |
340 | Appropriate Industrial Technology for Energy for Rural Requirments |
341 | The Implementation of Energy Policy in Pakistan |
342 | Energy Economic Growth in Pakistan 1984-85 - IPS Ilamabad |
343 | UNITAR - The Energy Crises The Future (Research Report No. 21) |
344 | Roadmap for Coal to Hydrogen production - Indian Ministry of Coal |
345 | Manufacturing Cost Analysis for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers - NREL |
346 | The Role of E-fuels in Decarbonising Transport - International Energy Agency (IEA) |
347 | Sugarcane Biofuels and Bioenergy Production in Pakistan |
348 | Fundamentals of Energy Storage - NREL |
349 | Use of Liquid Hydrogen in Heavy-Duty Vehicle Applications: Station and Vehicle Technology Cost Considerations |
350 | Hydrogen Blending in to Natural Gas Pipeline Infrastructure: Revie of the State of Technology - NREL |
351 | Challenges Opportunities for Coal Gasification in Developing Countries - Andrew Minchener |
352 | Development of Small and Medium Industry |
353 | Rural Industrialization Incentives and Opportunities |
354 | Selection of Projects and Production Processes for Basic and Intermediate Petrochemicals in Developing Countries |
355 | Alternative to the IMF and other out of the box solutions |
356 | Standardized Pilot Milk Plants |
357 | Modernizing Small-Scale Industries and Businesses |
358 | Operation, Maintenance, Design and Manufacturing of Chemical Plants and Equipment in Developing Countries |
359 | The Development of Engineering Design Capabilities in Developing Countries |
360 | Planning and Programming of the Metal Working Industries with a special view to exports |
361 | Agricultural Policy for the Developing Countries (Based on Pakistan's Experience) |
362 | Services for Small-scale Industry |
363 | The measurement of real product |
364 | Technology Economic Growth and Public Policy |
365 | Design, Manufacture and Utilization of Dies and Jigs in Developing Countries |
366 | Bicycles (A case study of Indian experience) |
367 | Appropriate Industrial Technology for Paper Products and Small Pulp Mills |
368 | Conceptual and Policy Framework for Appropriate Industrial Technology |
369 | Structural Changes in Industry |
370 | Productivity and Economic Growth |
371 | A Study of Cement Industry in Pakistan |
372 | Study on Capacity Utilization in Engineering Industries |
373 | Profiles of Manufacturing Establishments Vol. III |
374 | Report of the Expert Working Group on Machinery other than Electric |
375 | Feasibility Study of Preparation of Sewage and Wastewater Disposal Projects in Karachi |
376 | Report of Sub Working Group on Railways |
377 | The Steel Sector in Pakistan |
378 | Export Processing Zones in Developing Countries |
379 | The World Iron and Steel Industry (Second Study) |
380 | Mini-Fertilizer Plant Projects Appendices |
381 | SAINDAK Integrated Mineral Project, SAINDAK, PAKISTAN |
382 | Automobile Industry in Pakistan |
383 | Feasibility Study on Manufacture of Commercial / Military Vehicles in Pakistan |
384 | Specail Performance and Evaluation Report on Pakistan Machine Tool Factory, Karachi |
385 | Portfolio of Selected Metal-Transforming Technologies |
386 | Establishment and Development of Automotive Industries in Developing Countries |
387 | Milk Chilling Units and Milk Carrier Tanks |
388 | Role of public sector in the promotion of science and technology for development |
389 | Planning Commission |
390 | Investment Schedules |
391 | National Quality Policy and Plan (PNAC) |
392 | National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2022 |
393 | Thimk Tanks and Emergency Power Policy Networks |
394 | Crops Prospects and Food Situation |
395 | Quantum Science Concepts in Enhancing Sensing and Imaging Technologies: Applications for Biology: proceedings of a Workshop (2021) |
396 | Quantum Computing Progress and Prospects |
397 | A Quadriletral Review of the National Technology - The National Academies Press |
398 | Manipulating Quantum Systems: An Assessment of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics in the United States (2020) - The National Academies Press |
399 | Quantum Computing: Progress and Prospects - The National Academies Press |
400 | Hydrogen Production Unsing Nuclear Energy - IAEA Nuclear Energy Series |
401 | Application of Nano-technologies in the Energy Sector - HESSEN |
402 | Global Energy and CO2 Status Report 2018 - International Energy Agency |
403 | Applied Bioengineering - WILEY -VCH |
404 | Food 4.0: Leveraging Food Innovation in Asia - Cargill |
405 | Natural Resources |
406 | The feasility of nunicipal solid waste for energy generation and its existing management practices in Pakistan - ELSEVIER |
407 | Reginal development and interregional collaboration in the growth of nanotechnology research in china - Li Tang - Philip Shapira |
408 | IPCC/TEAP Special Report: Safeguarding the Ozone Layer and the Global Climate System - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
409 | Small Science in Big China - Springer Nature |
410 | Nanotechnology in China: Market Report |
411 | The UN Sustainability Goals: The Role of FEANI/ENGINEERS EUROPE and Europian engineering community |
412 | Investment in Research Development for Basmati Rice in Pakistan |
413 | What the new genetic engineering can do for the planet - CAETS |
414 | Bioeconomy in Germany - Federal Ministry of Education Research |
415 | Performance Evaluation Report of Thermal Power Plants for FY 2021-22 Under Nepra Performance Standars (Generation) Rules, 2009 - NEPRA |
417 | IEA - Clean Coal Centre - Annual Report 2002 - 2003 |
418 | Achievements of the Ministery of Climate Change - GOP Ministry of Climate Change |
419 | Conquering CO2 - TQ |
420 | Contrributions to Higher Engineering Education - Springer |
421 | As Passed by the National Assembly - A Bill to meet Pakistan's obligations under international conventions relating to climate change and address the effect of climate change |
422 | Summary for Policymakers |
423 | Science for Envoirmental Protection THE ROAD AHEAD - National Research Council of the National Academies |
424 | Brennstoffzellen - und Batteriefahrzeuge - VDI/VDE Studie |
425 | The Strategy Concept and Process - A Pragmatic Approach (Second Edition) |
426 | 30th Convocation (2021) - NED University of Engineering Technology |
427 | 31st Convocation (2022) - NED University of Engineering Technology |
428 | Engineering Horizons: Unraveling the State of Industry in Pakistan, PIDE, 2023 |
429 | Industrial Requirements Status Report and Down-Select of Candidate Technologies, May 2023 |
430 | Driving Authenticity, AIM Visibility Technologies Industry Group |
431 | Contours of A New Industrial Policy, PBC, 2018 |
432 | Economic Contribution of Engineering, Feb 2020 |
433 | 2020 Engineering Industry Economic Contribution, ACEC Research Institute |
434 | Agricultural Technologies for Developing Countries, STOA |
435 | SBP IMPORT DATA REPORT (FY 2017 - FY 2022) |
436 | SBP EXPORT DATA REPORT (FY 2017 - FY 2022) |
437 | From Swimming in Sand to High and Sustainable Growth |
438 | 8 Billion Lives, INFINITE POSSIBILITIES the case for right and choices |
439 | Options for a National Plan for Smart Manufacturing |
440 | Ocean Studies Board (2019-2020 Biennial Report) |
441 | Toward a Vision 2030: Direction of Industrial Development in Pakistan (Final Report) NOV 2006 |
442 | 75 years of Economic Journey of Pakistan , Towards a vibrant Pakistan, Govt. of Pakistan, Ministry of Finance |
443 | Industry 4.0, A Discussion of Qualifications and Skills in the Factory of the Future (A German and American Perspective), April 2015 |
444 | Electrifying Indian Mobility |
445 | Mining and Quarrying, Environmental Fiscal Reform in Abbottabad, IUCN |
446 | Industries in 2019, The Economist |
447 | Open Doors 2022, Report on International Educational Exchange |
448 | Country Economic Memorandum 2.0, PAKISTAN |
449 | Infusing Advanced Manufacturing into Undergraduate Engineering Education (2022) |
450 | Extraordinary Engineering Impacts on Society |
451 | The State of Pakistan's Economy, Annual Report 2021-22, State Bank of Pakistan |
452 | Industry 4.0 for SMEs (Challenges, Opportunities and Requirements) |
453 | Positions of Major Political Parties on National Economic Agenda (NEA), PBC, 2013 |
454 | 6th International Foundry Congress and Exhibition, ELEMENT, 2017 |